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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Co-Founder: Personal Reflections, and how you can help get involved

As SCOURGE development continues full-force, we would like to take this opportunity to explain how exactly this comes to be and how you can truly help us make this dream a reality.

We are, undoubtedly, an independent development group. We started out like everyone else - at a small computer with big ideas. Years of hard work have paid off as we finally see the game progress in big ways.

But, the years of youth and carelessness are well behind us, as many of us are experiencing different things - college life, adulthood, newborn babies, gender outings, new careers, among much more. Just as the point of development reaches the fun part, these things collectively called "Life" come to drag us away. No longer are we able to slave away all day, every day, on these awesome projects.

Not to say we don't care about them, but these life events are positively dragging development behind. A small team of ~5 is not enough for a large-scale production without significant delays, which we have experienced since this project started. The id Tech 2 engine was more than we could chew at the time, which we're finally starting to grasp and handle, but there's only so many of us and we can't allocate one person to do the work of 6. Developers cannot do it.

The reason why we are putting out all of these help wanted ads is because we can't afford for production to slump. Times changes, games change, the scene changes. People change, publishers change, and we can't allow Scourge to fall behind. Using outdated tech is not what I mean, specifically, by "falling behind", because graphics in a videogame do NOT, by any means, make it enjoyable (though sometimes, it does help). Scourge is falling behind in the people who believed in it, in us, and sometimes, ourselves as well.

That's why we are asking for everyone to kindly put our ads out - STEAM groups, social networking, developer networking, forums, anything! The more manpower we can get behind this project the better. There are tons and tons of resources that we just don't have available to us because we don't have time to hunt for the people we need. We need the help of our fans and followers because our Dream is being threatened!

Level Designers and Coordinators are a HUGE deal for us. We need these people that can bring a little push to our group and help us get SCOURGE completed in a timely manner! Hypertension was nearly finished after 3 years of hard work - Scourge is nowhere near at that level and has never been. Part of it is, perhaps, to blame on the 3D technology we decided to choose and our inexperience working with it. The other part might have been to take on a project of ambition and complete indifference. The drive to do something that nobody has really done before has always been a special part of this project. There are so many young and ambitous people who open these editors for newer games like Half-Life 2 and Call of Duty - if they only knew that these editors are mostly backwards-compatible, and that they have a chance to work on a truly remarkable commercial project, right from the starting gate!

If that sounds like YOU, or anyone YOU might know, please have them contact us! Developing a game isn't as dreamy as some people might believe, especially when deadlines threaten the existence of said project. All it takes is a few weeks of catching up and you could be helping along a great production, a great team, and the community of fans and followers! Help make this fun for us again, help us regain our passion to continue to entertain all of you out there!

Shortly, we will be opening up a Donations system to keep us funded. Since our initial budget is gone and years of dragging have left the game in a less than desirable state, many would-be Champions of Design have opted out because we don't have the money to pay them! Long gone are the days where a whole paycheck of mine would go towards something you love and adore. We believe in Scourge and we know you guys do too. But we need this help to speed things up. Funds would go completely, 100% towards developer costs.

So help us out and please spread the word - any inquiries can be sent to our Facebook page, or my personal email. If you are also interested in our other project, Hypertension: Harmony of Darkness (also for Sega Dreamcast), feel free to send us inquiries as well! We are always looking for help on that project, too.

Thanks once again for believing in us, in our endeavors, and in SCOURGE. The game is looking and feeling fantastic and only YOU can help us achieve perfection!

Thank you all for hearing my words, its the people like you that make this job of ours so much fun!

Stay fresh,


Anonymous said...

I looking forward to this.

Anonymous said...

I looking forward to this.

Anonymous said...

I looking forward to this.

Spencmur said...

Keep up the good work boys,im very impressed with each and everyone of you.Remaking blood and porting it to the dreamcast and other systems its outstanding.You guys well diffenately get somewhere with this.
Best of luck